Monday, May 17, 2010

First Friday Night

After visiting Brady at quarantine on Friday Sean and I drove home and talked about what we should do for dinner that night. Sean mentioned going to an amazing restaurant that we went to when we were in Melbourne in March called St. Judes: - on a typical Friday night I would have jumped at the chance but I was still so jet lagged I thought it would be better if we stayed closer to home.

We stopped at a local store to pick up some stuff (beer) and I asked the clerk where the BEST restaurant in our area was. We learned that right down the street is Melbourne's only five star Thai restaurant - PERFECT. We stopped by and I begged for a reservation (.. we JUST got off a plane, new to the area, puhleeze!!) and the very nice man penciled us in for 8:15pm, we were both really excited.

I had decided a few weeks earlier to give up on diet and exercise until I moved to Australia (I wanted to enjoy all of our good bye for now parties!) so this was going to be one of the last nights that I indulged. Prior to the move it was so stressful and busy we pretty much gave up the gym altogether and ate whatever was fast, easy and available. When we were in LA it was either In N Out Burger or airport food so it wasn't looking good for the waistline. I had a physical before we got on the plane and my weight was the highest it has ever been but with Sean working full time while I wait for my visa I figured my top priority would be to shape up so why not enjoy being slovenly for a little while?

The restaurant called Paladarr: was very chic and the food was fantastic. We had Kangaroo (I felt really bad when I saw one on Sunday) that was delicious (not gamey at all) and a great (running out of adjectives) lamb curry with sticky rice. All of a sudden while we were enjoying our meal it hit me like a ton of bricks - JET LAG. As anyone who knows me can attest when I get tired, hungry, migraines, they hit hard and fast and there is little that can be done. My eyes started closing at the table and there was no chance we were sticking around for dessert. Luckily it's our neighborhood Thai place and the take out menu is 30% cheaper than eating in so we'll be able to enjoy the food again.

Sean and I hobbled home and passed out cold around 10pm - it was a good night.

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